Sunday, December 9, 2007


The sun sinks sadly in the dying west,
The salt lad'n winds from o'er the ocean blow;
And sailing shore wards to their haven's rest
The fishing boats draw nigh. The radiant glow
Of sunset casts a spell across the bay,
And hues of amber, rose and crimson red
With bars of gold, and silver specks overspread
Reflect the glory of departing day;
The darkening sky above the palms is kissed
By shades of blue and mauve and amethyst.
Now pale points twinkle in the gathering gloom
Like fireflies flitting'neath the evening bloom.
Ah! soon the darkness cloaks the gorgeous scene
And leaves me rude awakened from a dream.

N-ko-ra returns
Nishan Shanaka Korala Gamage
writes to
Spontaneous Combustion
from Sri lanka