Sunday, December 9, 2007


It's dusk.
Darkness overshadows the world.
A world that lays rent by violence,
Shattered by sadness.

People live now lone, broken, empty,
Shadows that move by necessity,
Senseless of creativity.

Tears once smeared their faces,
Grief once filled their hearts,
Bitter thoughts alone now dwell within,
Curses which never are heard.

It is quiet; all, deathly still.
The sight that once drew crowds
Is but now a rubble field.
Majestic buildings, theatres, temples
Look on useless, worthless, helpless.

Victims of terror, homelessness, rape,
People now live their barren lives.
Vengeance was once their only wish,
Now, death alone their fervent hope.

A son returned in dust and ashes,
A mother denied, a wife widowed,
A shroud of grief descends on a home,
And a life becomes a memory.

Terror now rules the world,
Peace (is promised), a mirage
To the war weary victim,
Yet, now only remain blood and tears
In a deep, eternal stream.

N-ko-ra returns
Nishan Shanaka Korala Gamage
writes to
Spontaneous Combustion
from Sri lanka