Tuesday, December 11, 2007


It is so satisfying
To give vent to our feelings
Give blow for blow - with hard words
To lose control of ourselves
Let the poison of anger
Resentment, envy and pride-
Enslave us in their bonds.

What fools we are - as humans
To forget that vital truth.
The crown of His creation -
We are But alas how weak
The utmost height of glory -
We can reach. But all we do
Is crawl in the dust and mud.

Inborn in us is courage
Compassion, love and patience.
Let not pride take hold of you
But aspire to heights above.
No mountain peaks were ever reached
By cowards. The Lord needs men
Of grit, so keep on keeping on.

Endurance is another
Measurement of courage
To some folks that was given
As God's special gift of love.
So as you face life's trials
Be assured - the strength He'll grant
Courage - to keep on keeping on

N-ko-ra returns
Nishan Shanaka Korala Gamage
Writes to
Spontaneous Combustion
From Srilanka