Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Aliens Exist

A majority of people think that planet earth is the only heav­enly body known to support life but unfortunately they will have to think again. Our galaxy contains billions of stars, most like our own sun. So like our sun they could also be the centre of other planetary systems. Science confirmed this after the discovery of a large planet orbiting the star 47 Ursea Majoris 34 light years dis­tant from planet earth. In such systems there is a large possibility that a planet similar in physical properties to earth could exist and such a planet could support a unique diversity of life. Extraterres­trial life has long been suspected to exist and according to some scholars, the Pyramids of Giza, the lines of Nazaca, the South American civilizations and many other ancient wonders are the influential work of aliens.

Even during modern times many people claim to have wit­nessed an unidentified flying object, commonly known as a UFO. Others claim to have been abducted by UFO occupants who are said to be aliens, either 7 footer giants or 3 feet tall midgets. These beings are said to perform experiments on abductees, analyzing stuff such as the DNA. Some unlucky abductees are never re­turned and become permanent exhibits in the extraterrestrial would of science.

Science has tried hard to explain this phenomenon but so far has not been able to present a valid explanation. Many scientists do not want to accept that there is other life in the universe and simply denounce UFO encounters as hoaxes. In case of pho­tographs they state that they are photographs of weather balloons, irregular clouds, shooting stars or even insects. They also blame the human imagination as a culprit for this phenomenon.

Whether it is the work of extraterrestrials, paranoids or fame greedy humans we shall not know for sure, but we do know that science has not offered a reasonable explanation.

N-ko-ra returns
Nishan Shanaka Korala Gamage
writes to
Spontaneous Combustion
from Srilanka