Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Black Rose

Shunning the sun
Waiting for night to prosper
Blossom opening
Velvet darkness descending
Upon dark petals
Thorns turning outward
Ready to draw
The wine of life
From those who
Would suppress it
Or crush it under foot.
It remembers.
There will be no mercy.

N-ko-ra returns
Nishan Shanaka Korala Gamage
Writes to
Spontaneous Combustion
From Srilanka

Mighty Warrior

Lucifer chose you
When you least expected
He Called:
"Oh, Mighty Warrior"
The power filled you
Cold Chills of awakening
Fire filled your heart
It shook the walls
You ran through
Your House
Looking for Him, but
Found nothing
Except silence.
Was it He?
Years pass and
Long Have you waited
For Him to return
And speak again
Those words of
In your ear.

N-ko-ra returns
Nishan Shanaka Korala Gamage
Writes to
Spontaneous Combustion
From Srilanka

Monday, December 17, 2007


If you want to stand,
You have to be ready to fall.

If you want to create,
You have to be ready to destroy.

If you want to write,
You have to be ready to erase.

If you want to win,
You have to be ready to lose.

If you want to be happy,
You have to be ready to be sad.

If you want to possess,
You have to be ready to let go.

If you want to be praised,
You have to be ready to be criticized.

If you want to go up,
You have to be ready to go down.

If you want to laugh,
You have to be ready to cry.

If you want to get,
You have to be ready to give.

If you want to start,
You have to be ready to stop.

If you want to live,
You have to be ready to die.

Nothing lasts forever.

N-ko-ra returns
Nishan Shanaka Korala Gamage
Writes to
Spontaneous Combustion
From Srilanka

The Teen Thing

Imagine you taking a trip in a car. It's an unknown area. The driver is you . You're heading down an open road. All of a sudden you reach a turning point. There are no road signs and you have no map. Two ways to go. A decision has to be made. The right one will bring you to your destination-joy and happiness, but the wrong one will bring sorrow and disappointment.

Freeze this exact moment, and think of what's going on in the mind of a 17 or 18 year old teenager. If I am not mistaken, it would be the same. The only difference is that you are not alone. There will be people who affect your decision. It might be your friends, or more special friends as girl or boyfriends, teachers and even par­ents. These above people can make your decision easier, but they can most certainly make it tougher.

Teenage life - a certain turning point in life, where a person can be made or broken, where the right path would take him/her to the best things in life and the wrong bring disaster. Now I would like to discuss the effect the above mentioned people make towards your decision.

First let's take parents the people who have gone through it all. They were once teenagers and they've had teenage feelings especially about the opposite sex, but when they become adults and then parents, they tend to forget those feelings. Then when their children (that's us) reach that age it is they the children who have to suffer. Most of them have been told to stay away from having girl or boyfriends and concentrate on studies. What does this do? It makes the teen more impatient even angry. With this hatred they want to get even. What happens? They have relationships on the sly, get into watching pornographic material, and even getting involved with prostitutes. In the end they end up with nothing. This is a situation where the parents' attitude helps you make the wrong decision. Par­ents however do most of the time try to help their children make the right one through good advice, but the above mentioned problem does exist.

Now to the friends. All teenagers have their gang of friends or click. These friends play a major role in the life of a teenager. Through good times and bad times they tend to stick with each other. They know all your secrets and personal stuff, and in the time of need they give advice, advice probably even parents wouldn't have thought of. When it comes to decision making, they are the ones who tend to guide you, at least most of the time, although if you're in the wrong click, it's a whole different ballgame. Peer pressure can certainly break a person down to pieces. If they get you into drugs, cigarettes and alcohol it would mean disaster.

There's no stopping it. When you become a teenager you tend to have a liking towards the opposite sex. It's nature's way. At least to have a few friends of the opposite sex is a must in a teen's mind. So many of them have girl or boyfriends, with parental permission or not. How these people affect the decision of a teen is quite complex. So I leave it to those who do have girl or boyfriends to decide for themselves as to how they affect their lives. Be it negatively or posi­tively, admit it they do effect them in a major way.

What is education? Is it just the gathering of information through books and in the process memorizing the facts? I don't think so. To me education means the development of the mind to a cer­tain stage from which a character could be moulded. Education doesn't necessarily have anything to do with studies. It could hap­pen through sports, an area which certainly does test the mind to its limits. The people who guide you through this whole educating proc­ess are the teachers. What role does a teacher play in a teen's life? Is it only to tell him/her to study this, memorize that and so on? Hopefully not. A teacher should be able to talk freely with the teen.

They should be able to teach students not only matters in textbooks but subjects like sex education a topic which everyone wants to know about, but are afraid or too shy to talk about. This then brings up the topic of our education system, but if I were to write about that it would be another essay, so I'll leave it there.

Teenage life is such a complex time that I think even the great gurus would find it difficult to figure it out. So, in conclusion I would like to state that if you're a teenager who's reading this, have fun, enjoy the ride, but just think of what I've said above and see if it relates to you as well

N-ko-ra returns
Nishan Shanaka Korala Gamage
Writes to
Spontaneous Combustion
From Srilanka

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Aliens Exist

A majority of people think that planet earth is the only heav­enly body known to support life but unfortunately they will have to think again. Our galaxy contains billions of stars, most like our own sun. So like our sun they could also be the centre of other planetary systems. Science confirmed this after the discovery of a large planet orbiting the star 47 Ursea Majoris 34 light years dis­tant from planet earth. In such systems there is a large possibility that a planet similar in physical properties to earth could exist and such a planet could support a unique diversity of life. Extraterres­trial life has long been suspected to exist and according to some scholars, the Pyramids of Giza, the lines of Nazaca, the South American civilizations and many other ancient wonders are the influential work of aliens.

Even during modern times many people claim to have wit­nessed an unidentified flying object, commonly known as a UFO. Others claim to have been abducted by UFO occupants who are said to be aliens, either 7 footer giants or 3 feet tall midgets. These beings are said to perform experiments on abductees, analyzing stuff such as the DNA. Some unlucky abductees are never re­turned and become permanent exhibits in the extraterrestrial would of science.

Science has tried hard to explain this phenomenon but so far has not been able to present a valid explanation. Many scientists do not want to accept that there is other life in the universe and simply denounce UFO encounters as hoaxes. In case of pho­tographs they state that they are photographs of weather balloons, irregular clouds, shooting stars or even insects. They also blame the human imagination as a culprit for this phenomenon.

Whether it is the work of extraterrestrials, paranoids or fame greedy humans we shall not know for sure, but we do know that science has not offered a reasonable explanation.

N-ko-ra returns
Nishan Shanaka Korala Gamage
writes to
Spontaneous Combustion
from Srilanka

Do You Believe in Mystery Creatures

Ancient mythology is full of stories of strange creatures such as dragons, ghouls and goblins. However in modern times after great strides the science of zoology mystery creatures that defy all attempts of capture still roam the world's forests. They stay one step ahead of man's quest for the trath and rule the jungles with illusive prestige. The so called man - beasts are examples for such illusive creatures. Man-beasts such as the Bigfoot of North America, the Yeti of the Himalayas, the Almas of Russia and the Caucasus mountains and the Hibagon of Japan'are said to be man like in shape but with large frames, dark body hair, apelike faces and statures of over 6-71/2 feet.

Science treats the same way it treats UFOs and gives simi­lar explanations. Stating that they are creations of the human im­agination. However some do agree that surviving specimens of the giant Ice Age fossil ape Gigantopithicus could be behind this phenomenon but it is certain that science has to go a long way to answer this big question.

N-ko-ra returns
Nishan Shanaka Korala Gamage
writes to
Spontaneous Combustion
from Srilanka

Tuesday, December 11, 2007


It is so satisfying
To give vent to our feelings
Give blow for blow - with hard words
To lose control of ourselves
Let the poison of anger
Resentment, envy and pride-
Enslave us in their bonds.

What fools we are - as humans
To forget that vital truth.
The crown of His creation -
We are But alas how weak
The utmost height of glory -
We can reach. But all we do
Is crawl in the dust and mud.

Inborn in us is courage
Compassion, love and patience.
Let not pride take hold of you
But aspire to heights above.
No mountain peaks were ever reached
By cowards. The Lord needs men
Of grit, so keep on keeping on.

Endurance is another
Measurement of courage
To some folks that was given
As God's special gift of love.
So as you face life's trials
Be assured - the strength He'll grant
Courage - to keep on keeping on

N-ko-ra returns
Nishan Shanaka Korala Gamage
Writes to
Spontaneous Combustion
From Srilanka

Sunday, December 9, 2007


Disaster struck America on Eleventh September
Three planes crashed on buildings we remember
Americans who had forgotten to pray
Were down on their knees in disarray

America's twin towers which took years to ascend
Struck by the terrorists were quick to descend
Oh! What a disaster as the whole world listened
Glued to their TVs horrified at what happened

For the Americans it was quick and sudden
The terrorists were on a suicide mission
Osama Bin Laden took his opportune chance
To split America's heart into several parts

It was shock to the entire world and all
Except for the hijackers who knew it all
The Americans thought that they were the wall
Which none could ever break at all

Thousands who died on that fateful day
Were working in the towers night and day
But forever they were silenced never to say
How they died in this most tragic way

Pride of America - The World Trade Centre
Came down before the rescuers could enter
For the Americans it was a costly blunder
Which they will - for ages remember

N-ko-ra returns
Nishan Shanaka Korala Gamage
writes to
Spontaneous Combustion
from Srilanka


The sun sinks sadly in the dying west,
The salt lad'n winds from o'er the ocean blow;
And sailing shore wards to their haven's rest
The fishing boats draw nigh. The radiant glow
Of sunset casts a spell across the bay,
And hues of amber, rose and crimson red
With bars of gold, and silver specks overspread
Reflect the glory of departing day;
The darkening sky above the palms is kissed
By shades of blue and mauve and amethyst.
Now pale points twinkle in the gathering gloom
Like fireflies flitting'neath the evening bloom.
Ah! soon the darkness cloaks the gorgeous scene
And leaves me rude awakened from a dream.

N-ko-ra returns
Nishan Shanaka Korala Gamage
writes to
Spontaneous Combustion
from Sri lanka


It's dusk.
Darkness overshadows the world.
A world that lays rent by violence,
Shattered by sadness.

People live now lone, broken, empty,
Shadows that move by necessity,
Senseless of creativity.

Tears once smeared their faces,
Grief once filled their hearts,
Bitter thoughts alone now dwell within,
Curses which never are heard.

It is quiet; all, deathly still.
The sight that once drew crowds
Is but now a rubble field.
Majestic buildings, theatres, temples
Look on useless, worthless, helpless.

Victims of terror, homelessness, rape,
People now live their barren lives.
Vengeance was once their only wish,
Now, death alone their fervent hope.

A son returned in dust and ashes,
A mother denied, a wife widowed,
A shroud of grief descends on a home,
And a life becomes a memory.

Terror now rules the world,
Peace (is promised), a mirage
To the war weary victim,
Yet, now only remain blood and tears
In a deep, eternal stream.

N-ko-ra returns
Nishan Shanaka Korala Gamage
writes to
Spontaneous Combustion
from Sri lanka

Friday, December 7, 2007

The New Age of Miniaturization

Over the last few years, computer chips have found their way into almost every electronic device in the world. During that time they have become smaller, cheaper and more powerful, but, for some people, there is still plenty of scope to push back the limits of miniaturization.

The first generation of CMOS (complementary metal-oxide semiconductor) chips were based on a design process with lithographic features defining regions inside the transistors of 10 micrometers or more. The chips in most products in use today have features more than a hundred times smaller – just 65 nanometers (nm) or 90nm, approximately 1,000 times less than the width of a human hair. That may be small, but in the competitive semiconductor industry, where size is of high importance, it is not small enough.

A reduction in minimum feature size means more transistors per chip, more transistors means more computing power, and more power means electronic systems such as mobile phones, PCs, satellites, vehicles, etc. – will gain in functionality and performance.

“The semiconductor industry is in the business of selling square millimeters of silicon. So, by cramming more transistors into a chip you’re delivering more capacity, more functionality and more computing power for the same price. It’s why things like mobile phones, LCD TVs and DVD players are coming down in price,”

N-ko-ra returns
Nishan Shanaka Korala Gamage
writes to
Spontaneous Combustion
from Sri lanka

The story of Miss.Optimiz

She is young and talented, short and sweet, and her job is to some how top list all the bullshit we create (in search engines). This job sound funny but do you know that it is the best way to fill up your pockets in the it field?

Say you want to buy some book. What would you do? Simply you would go to Google and type the books name and press the Search button. Then you will get hundreds and thousands of articles and websites related to the keyword you entered. Would you go through all the pages shown? At least would you scroll down and see the last topic? I guess not… you simply would visit the first link and close it off after that.

Basically getting your site listed on the top is really hard and that is what Miss Optimiz does. She has come quite far in this subject and thanks to her we manage to keep our sites top listed in the search engines.

The funny part about her is that she is supposed to do some job related to medicine or genetics. Who cares…she is still trying to figure out what really suits her as the job…I guess…She is my best buddy at work. She is on a diet for a long time now thinking she is too fat ( if she thinks she is fat, what would she think about Mr. Chou chou!!!) Anyway she is tiny as a kebab stick. She learns something new everyday. She has this pet fish named George and a Tom cat which she speaks to me about always…But the last few days she started to speak to me about this other cat…hmm…mystery behind the scenes..

That’s enough about her

N-ko-ra returns
Nishan Shanaka Korala Gamage
writes to
Spontaneous Combustion
from Sri lanka

Do It Now!!!

This is a good motto for all who are inclined to be dilatory on unpunctual. "Do it now" Doing things at the right time is the es­sence of punctuality; and punctuality is just the opposite of pro­crastination. This means “putting off till tomorrow”. Procrastina­tion is always a Fault - a Fault of laziness and dilatoriness; for it always means putting off for to-morrow what ought to be done to­day. If it is not firmly checked, Procrastination soon grows into a bad habit, it may be due to laziness, or to the illusion that there will be plenty of time in the Future to do all we have to do. The lazy man consoles himself with all he will do, some day, as the Negro said "Next week's going to be a mighty busy time" A Spanish prov­erb runs "To - morrow is often the busiest day in the week" But for lazy Folks to-morrow and next week never come.

That we shall have more time to morrow is an illusion. To­morrow will have its own work to be done and there will be no time to do yesterday's work as well. Every time we put off the work we ought to do to-day we are piling up and find the arrears of work undone are too big to be overtaken. So in the end "lazy folks take the most pains"

"Procrastination" it is said "is the thief of time". We have only a limited amount of time at our disposal; and every hour we waste in idleness is "stolen" from our little stock by that thief Pro­crastination. Time wasted is lost.

The lazy man says in his heart "Never do to-day what you can put off for tomorrow" or even "never put off for to-morrow what you can put off for the day after to-morrow". But the wise man takes as his motto the old Proverb. "Never put off for to - morrow what you can do to-day", this is a sound idea, and worthy of adop­tion. So let your motto be "Do it now"!

N-ko-ra returns
Nishan Shanaka Korala Gamage
writes to
Spontaneous Combustion
from Sri lanka


You'll always remember
where ever you may be
The school of your Boy hood
The School by the sea

And we'll always remember
The friendships wide and free
That we made at S.Thomas'
The School by the Sea

The times we have spent here
Are memorable as can be
We have taken more than friendship
The school by the Sea

And as we come to the end
of this long long journey
Our second home it will always be
The school by the Sea

And even though we grow old
The times may have changed
But we will never forget her
The school by the Sea

Dilshan Goonewardene

The first and second verses are extracts from the poem
” The school by the sea” composed by
Canon R.B.Yin.

N-ko-ra returns
Nishan Shanaka Korala Gamage
writes to
Spontaneous Combustion
from Sri lanka

Thursday, December 6, 2007


Business is a concept, which filled into the brains of the Stone Age man, which took him a long way and made him to turn in to the modern man through civilization. Business is an organization, which provides products and services to society. The motive of a business is to earn profit while meeting the demands of the society. In today's business world, "the customer is the king". The producers intend whom the organizations should satisfy first by supplying his demands, not by supplying what.

The market is the media. There the process of buying and selling of goods take place. It can be through a shop, telephone, e-mail, Intern et or some other media. Today the society has changed for the better. In the gone by years businessmen did anything to get there profits, virtually killing the customer. However today it has changed dramatically and the customer has become the deciding factor. The businessmen supply products and services and earn a good profit by providing quality goods. Because of this, the customer is encouraged to come back to the supplier.

When you consider any sector such as banking, communication, transportation, insurance you will find them evolved and exist because of commerce. The banking sector could deal with their customer with utmost efficiency in order to make avail of facilities and benefits, to the customer. This can be interpreted as the customer oriented marketing to gain a high retention. If the customers are not provided with satisfactory services, they might find another alternative. If the customer does not turn to them there would be no profits. The business will soon turn into a loss and reaches its disastrous ending point. The existing business and organization should be more innovative and more courteous towards their customers. Then in reply the customer would enable to make better profits and the business would flourish.

Efficiency will direct the businessman to find more profits that could make the business prosper. It is said "Do it right the first time, every time, better the next time" for better profits. When we produce some product to the market for the first time it should be maintained in order to build a better relationship and a better rapport between the customers. If not the customer may deviate from the supplier. There are excepted standards maintained in business to produce goods of high quality. In Sri Lanka, these goods go through the supervision of the standards of the SLS certification by the Sri Lanka Standards Institution. There is also the world recognized certification for goods and services as well as for administrative and management skills in their business. They undergo the supervision of the ISO 9000 and ISO 14000 series which are defined as the process quality certification and environmental management systems respectively. In developed countries a great deal of thought is given to the quality and some may even be reluctant to buy goods unless they are guaranteed under certification and of standards by such as BSI or other world reputed institutions.

Globalization is another aspect or rather a trend in the business world today. The campaign of globalization has been effective due to the application of the brain of the electronic media and the technology. The Information Technology has become a major component in the business field. Presently almost every organization has been computerized. The computerized organizations are blessed with efficiency, accuracy, and quality has been receiving tremendous success in profit gaining making the work less tiring and interesting. If not for the information Technology, the organizations will be in a slow progress having thousands of accounts books and ledgers on the desks. The users of the "World Wide Web", Internet is on the top, It has become an important fact that the organizations should be updated with the fast changing world.

The customer could be satisfied to the utmost. In seconds, one could reach out to any part of the world, and maximum information could be obtained through web sites. Therefore, there will be tremendous expansion in the future capacities of business.

N-ko-ra returns
Nishan Shanaka Korala Gamage
writes to
Spontaneous Combustion
from Sri lanka

Smells like team spirit

Here goes a small article about three nice friends I have. Actually they are my team mates. Each of them has different skills and uniquenesses.

Mr. Chou chou
Sort of a funny character . Very good in free hand painting, very bad in web browsing, very good in graphic designing, very bad in hearing. A big man with a light heart. Loves to joke at someone always(most of the time it is me). Listen to all sort of music all the time. Planning to stop taking alcohol from tomorrow onwards(If tomorrow never comes).

Mr. Lonly Thesedays.
A Web Developer and a designer who has some unique thoughts. Hates to leave and work outside the office. Works till late, not because he loves the job so much. Because his boarding room has no ventilation. Great pisser at times. A bit revolutionary at times. Never listen to anyone once he takes a decision. Good pal to boose with. Very neat in his work

Miss A Class
Very calm and cool. Always has a smile in her face. Very studious, but a tube light at times. Learnt some of our habits after she met us(such as eating rice in the morning). A very good Developer. Seems to be a good choir singer(Never heard her singing though). Nice person to talk with. Listens to any sort of bullshit you say. easily get bugged by me without knowing.

Thats it about the crew...
Cheers to you all

N-ko-ra returns
Nishan Shanaka Korala Gamage
writes to
Spontaneous Combustion
from Sri lanka

Three Guys And A Girl

Mr No. 1
Young guys who follow the religion in the proper way are very rare these days. Specially guys who are in the industry. But I found this guy who still managed to do so, which made me think Wooow...

He is one of the nice persons I have met. Very calm and silent. Never have seen him loosing his temper. Always moves with the crowd and help them when they are needed. Anyone could hear what he is going to say before he says it by reading his eyes.

Nice to see his face early morning…

Mr No. 2
Well this guy is also pretty young…Very creative and very enjoyable. Best person to get advise for design work. Always has a smile on his face. Ready to help anyone at anytime when they are needed. He gave me the first lesson on designing a web page, and still I do learn a lot from him…

He is the simplest man I have seen on earth…

Mr No. 3
Our big brother and our guardian angel at work…Never let us down at work...Very intelligent and has an overall knowledge about the industry. If you have any doubts or problems you can simply talk to him and sort them out. Very brave in taking quick decisions.

Rarely opens his mouth to say something…

And finally the Girl…
She reminds me of the song “Strength of a women”. Yes...My sister from another mother. Very annoying, looses her temper very easily, lovable, likes to bug me all the time, has a vast IT knowledge, lazy to cook, her future plan is not planned yet!!

That’s why I call her my sister…

N-ko-ra returns
Nishan Shanaka Korala Gamage
writes to
Spontaneous Combustion
from Sri lanka

Jimmy Neutron - Live version 2007

What a genius…Never had seen a person like that before. What can’t he do? Cool in everything. A simple guy with a lot of brain. Very much concentrating on the latest stuff that are invented. Shares his knowledge with everyone around him, even though the others don’t understand what he told.

Still everyone appreciates it because even though there are many people who knows stuff but only a few people like him shares them with others.

A good teacher with a kind heart. Looses his temper when his inventions are ruined (which is obvious for anyone).

He is one guy that I would recommend as anyones role model...

N-ko-ra returns
Nishan Shanaka Korala Gamage
writes to
Spontaneous Combustion
from Sri lanka

Smile says a lot of things...

There are some strange characters in the world. I mean…you can never say what they are up to. Some people even if their married you can never say, as they never mention or speak a word about their wife. Is this because of a special reason?

When a person has a smile on his face, it may be because of happiness, forgiveness, thankfulness, cunningness or hmm… you know what…yes you are correct.

When someone you don’t know very much smiles at you, smile back…But why? How would you know why that person did smile? It may be a beginning of love, it may be an offer, it may be a new addition to your friend list, or else may be a trap which will drag you to shit.

But sometimes you can never have an idea of some people when they smile. Because they keep changing randomly. Today is a new guy and tomorrow is another. But shouldn’t neglect them, as you never know what type of people they really are.

Also it is a good experience for your life to be with all sort of people

N-ko-ra returns
Nishan Shanaka Korala Gamage
writes to
Spontaneous Combustion
from Sri lanka

The Role Business Analyst Don’t Exist Anymore

Who is a business Analyst?
A Business analyst is sort of an Artificial intelligence who goes to the client and tells them what the developer told, and dumps back the words to the developer that the clients told…

What sort of qualifications do you need to become a Business Analyst?
Nothing at all…Uhh.. but you need to know how to create a Word document.

Any Special Qualifications?
Need to know a few technical words.
Have to be very cunning.
Has to have the ability to stress out and annoy people
Have to be able to create large word documents and excel sheets full of bullshit.

What Am I Talking…
Nowadays professional companies does not want to recruit any business analyst as they want to cost cut. So they want the developer to be a good talkative person as the developer now has to play both the roles(the Developers and the Business Analysts). I think that is the best and the bravest decision to take as the companies top level management. Because the purpose of having a business analyst is to create a communication link between the client and the developer. But what is the purpose of having another resource just to do a telephone calls job?

N-ko-ra returns
Nishan Shanaka Korala Gamage
writes to
Spontaneous Combustion
from Sri lanka

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Creativity stuck in a frame creates Bullshit

Creativity is something that is unique to you. It is sort of a plugin that we use to run a software. If you are a writer you can use your creativity to write in a better new style, which makes you a creative writer. If you draw and come up with something that you have never seen before, then you are a Designer.

Creativity or a creative person needs a lot of freedom. what is troubling a creative person the most is the time. No one can decide how much of time a person has to spend on something he has never seen before. If a person can say so, he is not a creative person.

Why do we see bad creations? Is it a problem with the person who created the whatever? Now..Now..Don't make me laugh...Obviously it's the problem with the frame which you were put in to...When you are asked to create something, you are 100% free to do your creation. Then you are given small guidance by you project manager( probably it is a Word document or a print-out full of bullshit ) which cuts off 30% of your freedom. Still you start working on the masterpiece. In a few moments you see your project manager again standing behind your chair. You turn back and ask them "wuz up?" Then you are given a pleasant smile and asked "hi how is it going?" Now that is what an outsider thinks that they are ask you... But we developers know the real IT explanation for that sentence..Hmmm...So actually what they meant was "Why the hell are you taking so long to create a small thing like this"...Yup..thats about it.

Now another 20% is cut off from your creation due to Time problems. So you have another 50% to use your creativity. So you use it and create something and then the Quality Assurance thinks that it is not in a proper way or not usable and then you change it back according to that. So again 10% cut off from you creation and new QA ideas are added to it.

And that is how bull shit is created

Now you get what i say huh...you have actually spent less than 40% of your creativity on your own creation...Wait a second did i say your own creation!!! actually it's not your creation because you have only done 40% of it...

N-ko-ra returns
Nishan Shanaka Korala Gamage
writes to
Spontaneous Combustion
from Sri lanka