Thursday, January 31, 2008

No God Exist

I used to believe in you
But you never believed in me
I felt lonely
But you were not there beside me
I used to see fearful nightmares
So I prayed
You just ignored
And escaped
I gave up on you
And you came back
I never turned up
You got fucked
I went on and on to see
Who can treat me
When I bleed.
Then I stopped one day by a stream
A light was there to be seen.
A new spirit came in to my genes
I don’t see any fearful dreams
Think you are spiritual
I’ll tear you to bits
Fuck this rhyme
It’s six six six

N-ko-ra Returns
Nishan Shanaka Korala Gamage
Writes to
From Srilanka

Sunday, January 20, 2008

I am not born yet

Your tears teaches me laughter
Your joy teaches me anger
Your errors are my victories
The bad times you have are
The happy times I’ve always been through
Your blood creates my flesh
With your own eyes
I see your inner vision
Each attempt you take to destroy me
Will fail every now and then
Each step you take
I’ll follow you to the death
You try killing me, but you can’t
And you find the reason why
I can’t die…I wont die…
I am the devil’s Child
I am not born yet
But I am watching you

N-ko-ra returns
Nishan Shanaka Korala Gamage
Writes to
From Srilanka

Wednesday, January 9, 2008


The dead will rise
Millions of mighty warriors
From down under
Will gather to one battle field.
Oh…The smell of blood in the Plain of Esdraelon
The hell is unleashed
Victims screaming to death
No savior appears.
The dark lord is to be seen
The judgment is ready to be given
He opens his mouth and speaks
The voice reminds
The scream of the mother
When you were born.
Every thing will be perished
You will Die

N-ko-ra Returns
Nishan Shanaka Korala Gamage
Writes to
From Srilanka

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Sri lankan Goda Suddo...

What’s wrong with the people in Sri lanka. I have come across this question a several times. Well I am talking about the people who are trying to be too posh. A few words to define the word posh are aristocratic, superior, high-class, stylish, ect. But since I started to meet new people (I don’t want to mention where since people feel very uncomfortable then…) after leaving my school, I saw a few incidents where people try to put a funny accent when they talk or add extra styles for their actions (Gosh!!! how hard is it to explain what is running right now in my head…) The worst part is that most of the people who do this are not really matching the word posh. It is very easy to find out the people who are trying to be posh out of the real posh people. For example, one way of pointing out a posh person is that he or she talks to each and every person in the same style, same volume and in the same rhythm. But a person who is trying to be posh cannot talk like that with every person. Specially when they talk to an actual high-class person.

Why do people want to do this? Is it to get attraction? If so why can’t they use some other method rather than make funny sounds… I know this lady who speaks Sinhala with a fake accent. Every time I see her I smile (not to greet her, because of the fake accent…) She is descendent from a good Sinhala family by the way. Mostly it is girls who has this attitude. Just to mention by names of some schools, starting off from Ladies, Bishops, Musaeus, Vishaka, ect,, These schools have the same damn stupid idea.

I had a nice friend, a girl from St.Marys used to come to my chemistry class. She was in that school for 12 years, and for the final year, for some luck she got in to Ladies College. After that each time I met her, noticed that she hardly spoke a single word in Sinhala. Even that Sinhala was pronounced with an accent. Another story is that, once I met a few girl guides from Musaeus and we had a chat. Some how we started to talk about food. And I said that I can cook traditional food. Gosh what did I hear!!! All their answers and comments were similar to each other…All of them were about, not knowing how to cook or how bad they are when it comes to cooking.. Fucking Hilarious…And they think it is posh.

I am not shy to say that I am poor in English…But I am shy because I still can’t understand some of the Sinhala words in books. Living in the country for twenty years, I still couldn’t learn half of the language. I am sure you have the same problem. Cry Sri lanka…people are waiting to laugh at yourself…

N-ko-ra returns
Nishan Shanaka Korala Gamage
Writes to
from Srilanka

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Signs of Satan!

Hey guys I found this on the web and it’s very interesting…

Satanists or just a mere coincidence?

I Love You, Devil?
The "El Diablo" hand sign often is con-fused with the deaf hand signal of the phrase, "I love you." While at first this appears an odd resemblance, we register an "ahh, I get it!" emotion when we discover that the person who invented, or created, the hand sign system for the deaf, Helen Keller, was herself an occultist and Theosophist. Did Keller purposely design the deaf's "I love you" sign to be such a remarkable imitation of the classic sign of Satan? Was Keller saying, basically, "I love you, Devil?" -Texe Marrs

"She invented over 60 different signs by which she could talk to her family before the age of seven. For example, if she wanted ice cream she would wrap her arms around herself and pretend to shiver."

The above article is taken from another website.
Click Here for the original website.

N-ko-ra Returns
Nishan Shanaka Korala Gamage
Writes to
From Srilanka

Feed Your Head before the Coming New year

30th December 2007..
Yes… just another day left for the new year. Woke up early morning at about 8.00 AM thanks to a stupid mosquito. From then onwards I couldn’t sleep, so I got off the bed. Nothing to do and nothing to say. The best thing I could do was to get my self out of home and fool around. So I phoned my college pal Sajith. Yes the guy from the Srilankan metal band “Merlock” and asked him if there is anything special happening that day. Lucky me!!! Another crazy Rock Concert… What’s more…It was organized by the crazy Wagons. I so wanted to see all these bands playing at a single night. So I was off to Sajith’s and stayed there for a while. I was nit surprised to see him in his pyjamas at 11.00 AM. Few minutes later Sajith’s phone rang. He answered the call and said one single sentence “Ok machang, I’ll be there”. So my guess was right…It was Chathuranga, the Heladiva Warrior from “Funeral In Heaven”. They were about to start the sound check for the concert happening at that night at the Taj Samudra Hotel. We phoned Dumindu and Niroshan to give them the message about the sound check.

All of us finally went to the hotel(Towards the car park) not surprised to see Buddhi my old friend, yes the magnificent musician from “Wagon park” standing outside. He looked so busy but not tired as always. We went inside the club, and I went wow.. How happy I was to see all my rocking friends in there. The “Nemesis”, “Grey mind domain”, “Wagon Park”, and all the individual rock fans. Ok time was up..

The sound check was over at 6.30 PM and we all went back to Dumindu’s place changed our clothes and came back to Taj. The concert started at about 8.30 PM. The first band to perform was “Restricted” If I am not wrong. Not a large audience for the first band. The next band lineup was Nemesis, Grey mind Domain, Merlock… Wagon park. There were more bands I cant remember there names. Sorry about that…But all the mentioned and unmentioned bands were awesome. But it would have been more happening if “Fallen Grace” and “Funeral In Heaven” also played at that night.

But still all the Metal fans and Bands did not miss this concert. We really had a great time Head banging and being moshed…

N-ko-ra returns
Nishan Shanaka Korala Gamage
Writes to
from Sri Lanka